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Frequently Asked Questions

We get asked a lot of different types of questions and thought you might have a similar one, so here is a condensed list of questions and their answers for your purpose!

Who is on the Cream team?

Cream is a team of 3 friends Hunter, Nicole & Tuscany who are passionate about wellness, humans, art & trying new things! We love to have fun, think deeply about the world and share our passions with others. 

What do we do?

We host community building events to help inspire wellness and creativity within ourselves and each other. Breaking out of that mental block that holds us back or that inner voice that may be sending self doubting messages and coming together to help remember that we are all human and life is all about perspective. No good, no bad, we just are and that is beautiful. Let's create together!

What types of events do we host?

Many different types!!

Dynamic Yoga: A 3 part event with exercise, meditation & yoga


Thoughtful Journaling: Bring your own or we will provide you with a small journal to decorate on your own and then led through guided prompts to get your introspective thinking geared up and onto the page!


Sensory Meditation & Gentle Yoga: Take a journey through all 5 senses heightened with this exploratative mindful experience followed by a gentle yoga flow to stretch it all out! 


Art Club: We will focus on discovering new mediums with guided creative art projects that get you thinking outside the box and take the intimidation out of the blank slate


Let us know if you have any suggestions or if you are dying to try something specific and we are happy to come up with a spunky new event idea! 

RSVP through our events page to join us. Hope to see you there friends!

How much do events cost?

Events at this time are donation based! We accept donations through venmo @tuscy or cash :)

...And thank you in advance if you do decide to donate, we are growing and appreciate any and all help!

What if I'm not good at art or yoga?

The space we hold here is a safe space, free of judgement & expectation of any kind. No pressure at all! We encourage participation to your comfortability level, but it is not mandatory to do anything you don't want to. 

Our hopes are that you leave us and our events feeling more accepted, refreshed and inspired to live your life how YOU want to live it! 

I haven't worked out in months/
years; how can I prepare for the events?

Go at your own pace! We do our best to guide through modifications of a variety of skill levels to accommodate all participants. Take each movement one step at a time and if you feel comfortable doing so, ask for our assistance. We are more than happy to guide you through proper technique or an easier modification to work your way up to the pose or exercise being done!

What if I don't feel comfortable journaling around others?

Our journaling events are all for your personal reflection & introspection! It is encouraged, as we feel we can learn so much from each other by giving insight to our thoughts, feelings and ideas but it is not mandatory to share if that isn't something you want to do! 

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